Health Sciences (HSC)

Bachelor of Arts in Health Sciences

Master of Arts in Health Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences

Description of Health Sciences Courses (HSC)


Health Sciences (HSC)

Bachelor of Arts in Health Sciences

120 credit hours are required to complete the Bachelor of Arts degree program.

Students may enter into a Bachelor's degree program with a minimum of 30 credit hours and one year of credit for documented life/work experience. It is preferable for the student to have completed 60 credit hours before entering into a degree program with Washington College & University, as the University does not generally offer lower division courses.

Students who enroll with more than 120 units of acceptable transfer credit must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework through the University to earn a Bachelor's degree. Students are expected to fulfill general studies requirements through prior educational experiences and through life/work experiences equivalent to college level courses.

In the event an incoming student is lacking some of the general studies requirements, the Faculty Advisor and the student will work out a study plan that includes provisions for making up the deficiencies.

To obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree at Washington College & University a student must have completed 60 units of General Studies courses distributed in the following subject areas:

  • Basic Subjects: Oral and written language, Mathematics, Logic, Statistics or Computer Science. (8 credits)
    ·Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Language or Arts. (8 credits)
  • Social Sciences: Psychology, History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies. (8 credits)
  • Natural Sciences: Environmental Studies, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology (8 credits)
  • Electives: Additional courses from those listed above. 28 credits

Completion of the Bachelor's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of C (2.0) or higher.

Core Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 300-399)

Elective Courses

Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)

Health Sciences (HSC)

Master of Arts in Health Sciences

30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Master of Arts degree program.

A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Master's program.

The Bachelor of Arts equivalency may be recognized if the student has the equivalent of four years of acceptable undergraduate college work through transcripts and extensive professional experience or more than four years of acceptable college work. A student may request credit for prior learning experience for up to 15 credits for post-baccalaureate work.

Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework through the University.

Completion of the Master's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.

Students are required to submit a thesis or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 6 credit hours may be given for the thesis or portfolio of competence.

Core Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)

Elective Courses

Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)

Health Sciences (HSC)

Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences

30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Doctorate degree program.

A Master's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Doctorate program. Prior learning credit hours may be accepted for the doctorate program if they are acquired after the Bachelor's degree was obtained. A total of 60 units of acceptable graduate level credit hours are required for the Doctorate degree.

Students must complete a minimum of 16 credit hours of coursework through the University.

Completion of the Doctorate degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.

Students are required to submit a dissertation or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 12 credit hours may be given for the dissertation or portfolio of competence.

Core Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 16 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)

Elective Courses

Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)

Dissertation Proposal

The student will prepare an original research proposal for approval by the Faculty Advisor. The proposal must be approved before data collection and the writing of the dissertation. In the proposal, the student is expected to indicate clearly and concisely what is proposed, where information is to be obtained, and how the research is to be carried out.


Candidates for the Ph.D. program must show ability for independent research and scholarly technique by means of a dissertation, the preparation of which will usually represent a substantial amount of research activity. The dissertation may also involve special projects, reviews of literature or applied fieldwork.

Description of Health Sciences Courses (HSC)

HSC 300 Research And Program Evaluation (3) Review of the field of health services, research and methods of program evaluation. Use of constructs from the social and behavioral sciences in studies of the workings of health services.

HSC 310 Environmental Health (3) Introduction to environmental health, including coverage of sanitary principles and chronic and acute health effects of environmental contamination.

HSC 320 Medical Care In The United States (3) Introduction to the organization and function of medical care in the U.S.

HSC 330 Introduction To Health Administration (3) Fundamentals of health administration, role integration between health administrators, health professionals and allied health professionals.

HSC 340 Theory Of Health Administration (3) Theory and practice of health administration in various types of health organizations.

HSC 350 Organization & Function Of Community Services (3) Consideration and comparison of traditional and current programs in official, proprietary and voluntary health agencies.

HSC 360 Medical Care Organization In The United States (3) Problems in the administration of health services from a societal perspective. Questions of equity, costs, national health insurance etc.

HSC 370 Health Law (3) Overview of the legal aspects of health care delivery including issues of patient care, consumer rights and malpractice.

HSC 380 Health Information Systems (3) The health information needs of health services agencies and the means of meeting these needs.

HSC 390 Health: Maintenance Of Wellness (3) Analysis and application of the wellness concept for healthy living. The techniques and procedure for self-care, self-examination, emergency care and efficient utilization of the medical care system.

HSC 396 Bio-Statistics (3) The principles, theory and practice of statistical analysis in health as they apply to health planning, epidemiological research, and experimental research.

HSC 400 Health Behavior (3) Application of current concepts of the behavioral sciences to the health field. Approaches to behavioral changes for healthy living.

HSC 410 Health Science For Children And Youth (3) Biological and environmental factors influencing health of children and youth and means of solving selected health problems.

HSC 420 Strategies For Health Decisions (3) Techniques of developing selected strategies for making health decisions.

HSC 422 Holistic Health (3) Critical examination of the holistic health model and selected holistic techniques.

HSC 426 Community Health Action (3) Basic concepts and techniques of initiating and enhancing community health action programs and health related services.

HSC 428 Health Aspects Of Drug Use (3) Analysis of the factors and problems related to the use and misuse of drugs and their effect on the health and welfare of the individual, family and society.

HSC 430 School Community Health Problems (3) Study of factors involved in developing programs to solve school and community health problems.

HSC 434 Epidemiology (3) Nature, transmission, prevention and control of disease from a public health approach.

HSC 436 Nutrition And Health (3) Fundamentals of nutrition emphasizing practices and problems related to consumer health.

HSC 440 Counseling Of Health Problems (3) Consideration of concepts and techniques of counseling and guidance as they apply to the reduction of specific health problems.

HSC 450 Family Health (3) Health aspects of the home and family.

HSC 460 Research In Health Science (3) Research on a topic chosen by learner in consultation with Faculty Adviser

HSC 470 Advanced Concepts Of Health Behavior (3) Theoretical issues and current methodologies related to influencing health behavior.

HSC 476 Mental Health (3) Analysis of literature concerning mental health education, psychosomatic disease and addiction.

HSC 480 Consumer Health (3) Analysis of literature related to consumer health.

HSC 484 Curriculum Development In Health Education (3) Analysis of curriculum theory and its application in the development of education programs in the health sciences.

HSC 486 Administration, Supervision, & Consultation In Health Education (3) Exploration of the organization, administration, and legal aspects of health education programs and the principles of supervision and consultation as applied to health education.

HSC 490 Advanced Nutrition Vitamins (3) Comprehensive treatment of vitamin nutrition and metabolic-nutrient interactions.

HSC 494 Advanced Nutrition: Proteins, Fats And Carbohydrates (3) Comprehensive treatment of the roles of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in nutrition and metabolic-nutrient interactions involving the basic food groups.

496 Advanced Nutrition Minerals (3) Comprehensive treatment of mineral nutrition and metabolic-nutrient interaction.

500 Maternal Child Nutrition (4) Nutrition of mothers, infants and children in countries at various levels of socioeconomic development; relationship between nutrition and mental development.

520 Alcohol And Drug Abuse: Social Policy Perspectives (4) Alternative models of alcohol and other drug addictions are examined and implications assessed for public policy regarding their control.

530 Social And Behavioral Perspectives (4) Current social and behavioral research, issues and perspectives on work and health.

540 Preventive Medicine In Public Health (4) Development, current status and potential of preventative medicine in public health practice.

550 Health Of Americans: Trends And Issues (4) Analysis of major trends in mortality, morbidity and other aspects of health status.

560 Women's Health (4) Consideration of health services, programs and issues relevant to women's nonreproductive health care.

570 Child Health In The United States (4) Examination of health problems affecting infants, children and adolescents in the U.S.

580 Health Administration (4) Administrative trends, issues, and new developments in health service delivery.

590 Health Economics And National Policy (4) Analysis of national policy and its influence on the U.S. health care system.

600 Current Issues In Health Education (4) Theory, principles and research applicable to health education.

620 Environmental Health Problems (4) Analysis of literature related to current environmental health problems.

630 Advanced Epidemiology (4) Critical analysis of the literature related to the newer concepts of eidemiology as applied to preventative medicine and public health.

660 Medical Anthropology (4) Cross-cultural aspects of human behavior as they relate to perception, treatment, incidence and prevalence of disease and illness.

670 Ecology Of Mental Health (4) Analysis of occurrence and distribution of mental disorders in the community and their relationship to social structure.

680 Research Design In The Health Sciences (4) Consideration of research methodology as applied to the health sciences.

700 Thesis (3-6) Preparation of a major paper of the topic of interest in Health Sciences.

800 Dissertation Research (3-12)

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