Business Administration (BUS)
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
120 credit hours are required to complete the Bachelor of Arts degree program.
Students may enter into a Bachelor's degree program with a minimum of 30 credit hours and one year of credit for documented life/work experience. It is preferable for the student to have completed 60 credit hours before entering into a degree program with Washington College & University, as the University does not generally offer lower division courses.
Students who enroll with more than 120 units of acceptable transfer credit must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework through the University to earn a Bachelor's degree. Students are expected to fulfill general studies requirements through prior educational experiences and through life/work experiences equivalent to college level courses.
In the event an incoming student is lacking some of the general studies requirements, the Faculty Advisor and the student will work out a study plan that includes provisions for making up the deficiencies.
To obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree at Washington College & University a student must have completed 60 units of General Studies courses distributed in the following subject areas:
- Basic Subjects: Oral and written language, Mathematics, Logic, Statistics or Computer Science. (8 credits)
- Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Language or Arts. (8 credits)
- Social Sciences: Psychology, History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies. (8 credits)
- Natural Sciences: Environmental Studies, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology (8 credits)
- Electives: Additional courses from those listed above. 28 credits
Completion of the Bachelor's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of C (2.0) or higher.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 300-399)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Business Administration
30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Master of Arts degree program.
A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Master's program.
The Bachelor of Arts equivalency may be recognized if the student has the equivalent of four years of acceptable undergraduate college work through transcripts and extensive professional experience or more than four years of acceptable college work. A student may request credit for prior learning experience for up to 15 credits for post-baccalaureate work.
Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework through the University.
Completion of the Master's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.
Students are required to submit a thesis or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 6 credit hours may be given for the thesis or portfolio of competence.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)
Business Administration (BUS)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Doctorate degree program.
A Master's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Doctorate program. Prior learning credit hours may be accepted for the doctorate program if they are acquired after the Bachelor's degree was obtained. A total of 60 units of acceptable graduate level credit hours are required for the Doctorate degree.
Students must complete a minimum of 16 credit hours of coursework through the University.
Completion of the Doctorate degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.
Students are required to submit a dissertation or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 12 credit hours may be given for the dissertation or portfolio of competence.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 16 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)
Dissertation Proposal
The student will prepare an original research proposal for approval by the Faculty Advisor. The proposal must be approved before data collection and the writing of the dissertation. In the proposal, the student is expected to indicate clearly and concisely what is proposed, where information is to be obtained, and how the research is to be carried out.
Candidates for the Ph.D. program must show ability for independent research and scholarly technique by means of a dissertation, the preparation of which will usually represent a substantial amount of research activity. The dissertation may also involve special projects, reviews of literature or applied fieldwork.
Description of Business Administration Courses (BUS)
BUS 300 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3) Analysis of supply and demand; production and costs, price and output determination; factor pricing and income distribution; optimum resource allocation.
BUS 310 Business Finance (3) A survey of the financing of business enterprise. Forms of business organization; sources of long term, intermediate and short term funds. Administration of income; corporate growth.
BUS 312 Principles Of Management (3) An introduction to the basic concepts of management and organization theory. Accomplishing organizational goals through management of people and resources.
BUS 314 Principles Of Marketing (3) Management and operation of the marketing activities of the firm. Managerial analysis of the marketing environment, selection of target markets and marketing strategy design, implementation and control.
BUS 320 Statistical Methods In Business & Economics (3) Descriptive statistics, elements of probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation and confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, linear regression and correlation, time series analysis.
BUS 340 Business Law (3) Rules of law as they relate to business transactions. Definitions and classifications of law, court systems and procedure. Law of torts: intentional torts, negligence, defenses and liability. Law of contracts: requirements for enforceable agreements, defenses, third parties, performance and remedies.
BUS 350 Organizational Behavior (3) Current theory and research of individual and small group behavior in the organization.
BUS 360 Business, Government And Society (3) The relationships between business managers and the social, economic and political environment within which they operate; business ethics, antitrust policy, social responsibility and consumer protection.
BUS 370 Personnel Management (3) The personnel function, its activities and its opportunities. Management's responsibilities for selection, development and effective utilization of personnel.
BUS 390 Introduction To Production Operations (3) Analysis of production operations in manufacturing and service enterprises. Traditional approach to such areas as production planning, inventory control and quality control is combined with the application of quantitative tools including game theory, PERT, statistical quality control and linear programming.
BUS 400 Industrial Relations (3) The study of labor/management relations: the labor force, labor law, collective bargaining, grievance procedures and the development of industrial policy.
BUS 410 Multinational Business (3) A study of the leading technical, environmental and management features peculiar to the operation of U.S. firms in foreign countries.
BUS 420 Communication For Managers (3) Theory and practice of interpersonal communication applied to the business setting.
BUS 430 Organizational Development (3) Examination and analysis of procedures utilized for the appraisal, evaluation and development of organizations and their human resources.
BUS 434 The Managerial Process (3) An analysis of the decision-making process at the strategic, managerial and operating levels. The management function is discussed in terms of formulation of issues, identification of options and implementation.
BUS 440 Managerial Environment (3) Influence of the general environment on business organizations. The ability of managers to cope with the social, economic, political and technological sectors of the environment.
BUS 450 Small Business Management (3) The organization and management of a small business.
BUS 460 Employment Practices (3) An analysis of the procedures involved in procuring and orienting individuals to an organization. Recruitment selection, induction and individual follow-up methods are evaluated.
BUS 464 Selected Topics In Business (3) Research on a topic chosen by learner in consultation with Faculty Advisor.
BUS 468 Accounting For Managers (3) Explores the use of accounting information in management decision making.
BUS 470 Human Behavior In Organizations (3) Application of the behavioral sciences to management issues through the integration of conceptual and experimental approaches to self-awareness, perception, communication, motivation, productivity, group leadership and management of stress.
BUS 472 Legal And Regulatory Issues In Management (3) Examination of the legal process as it pertains to profit and nonprofit organizations.
BUS 474 Statistics And Research Methods (3) Application of research methodology and statistical techniques to typical business problems encountered in management.
BUS 476 Management Finance (3) Presentation of the techniques of financial analysis and their application to financial management.
BUS 478 Organization And Management Theory (3) Application of modern organization theory to business.
BUS 480 Management Information Systems And Systems Management (3) Theories, tools and techniques of management information systems and systems management.
BUS 484 Ethics And Social Issues (3) Interface of industry with economic, political and social forces. Ethical obligations of managers to owners, employees, consumers, and society.
BUS 486 Business Strategy And Policy (3) Policy formation and strategy for implementation in the light of management processes, organization theory, economic impacts, ethical and legal considerations.
BUS 490 Labor Relations (3) Analysis of the relationships between personnel policies, union policies and government.
BUS 494 Personnel Development (3) Study of the rationale, techniques and process of developing individuals in organizations.
BUS 510 Business And Society (4) Study of the business enterprise as a social institution with emphasis on the changing purposes of social action.
BUS 520 Small Business Management (4) Exploration of crucial aspects in managing small business enterprises.
BUS 524 Advanced Personnel Management (4) Analysis of the human factors affecting the functioning of business organizations.
BUS 540 Advanced Economic Analysis (4) Study of resources allocation and factor pricing in an enterprise economy.
BUS 560 Institutional Finance (4) Application of principles of finance to the management of the firm.
BUS 620 Management Practices For International Business (4) Challenges and problems facing the American firm in an international economy.
BUS 622 Advanced Managerial Economics (4) Application of macroeconomic tools to business decision-making.
BUS 630 Multinational Marketing (4) Study of international marketing policies and strategies.
BUS 646 Contemporary Marketing Management (4) Diagnosis and solution of marketing problems facing the American marketing executive.
BUS 700 Thesis (3-6) Preparation of a major paper on a topic of interest in Business Administration
BUS 800 Dissertation Research (3-12).