Electrical Engineering (EE)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
120 credit hours are required to complete the Bachelor of Science degree program.
Students may enter into a Bachelor's degree program with a minimum of 30 credit hours and one year of credit for documented life/work experience. It is preferable for the student to have completed 60 credit hours before entering into a degree program with Washington College & University, as the University does not generally offer lower division courses.
Students who enroll with more than 120 units of acceptable transfer credit must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework through the University to earn a Bachelor's degree. Students are expected to fulfill general studies requirements through prior educational experiences and through life/work experiences equivalent to college level courses.
In the event an incoming student is lacking some of the general studies requirements, the Faculty Advisor and the student will work out a study plan that includes provisions for making up the deficiencies.
To obtain a Bachelor of Science degree at Washington College & University a student must have completed 60 units of General Studies courses distributed in the following subject areas:
- Basic Subjects: Oral and written language, Mathematics, Logic, Statistics or Computer Science. (8 credits)
·Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Language or Arts. (8 credits)
- Social Sciences: Psychology, History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies. (8 credits)
- Natural Sciences: Environmental Studies, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology (8 credits)
- Electives: Additional courses from those listed above. 28 credits
Completion of the Bachelor's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of C (2.0) or higher.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 300-399)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Master of Science degree program.
A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Master's program.
The Bachelor of Arts equivalency may be recognized if the student has the equivalent of four years of acceptable undergraduate college work through transcripts and extensive professional experience or more than four years of acceptable college work. A student may request credit for prior learning experience for up to 15 credits for post-baccalaureate work.
Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework through the University.
Completion of the Master's degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.
Students are required to submit a thesis or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 6 credit hours may be given for the thesis or portfolio of competence.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
30 credit hours of graduate level studies are required to complete a Doctorate degree program.
A Master's degree or equivalent is necessary for entrance into the Doctorate program. Prior learning credit hours may be accepted for the doctorate program if they are acquired after the Bachelor's degree was obtained. A total of 60 units of acceptable graduate level credit hours are required for the Doctorate degree.
Students must complete a minimum of 16 credit hours of coursework through the University.
Completion of the Doctorate degree requires attainment of a grade point average of B (3.0) or higher.
Students are required to submit a dissertation or portfolio of competence, which is acceptable to the University. Up to 12 credit hours may be given for the dissertation or portfolio of competence.
Core Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 16 credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 400-499)
Elective Courses
Students may choose to complete the remaining credit hours from the upper division courses. (Course numbers 500-690)
Dissertation Proposal
The student will prepare an original research proposal for approval by the Faculty Advisor. The proposal must be approved before data collection and the writing of the dissertation. In the proposal, the student is expected to indicate clearly and concisely what is proposed, where information is to be obtained, and how the research is to be carried out.
Candidates for the Ph.D. program must show ability for independent research and scholarly technique by means of a dissertation, the preparation of which will usually represent a substantial amount of research activity. The dissertation may also involve special projects, reviews of literature or applied fieldwork.
Description of Electrical Engineering Courses (EE)
EE 110 Mathematics for Engineers (4). The principles of calculus. Differentiation, integration, with applications. Partial derivatives, differential equations, and applications.
EE 130 Computer Programming for Engineers (4). Techniques of computer programming using advanced high-level languages; program planning, writing, debugging of programs.
EE 150 Numerical Analysis in Engineering (4). Numerical solution of non-linear equations and differential equations. Function approximation. Computer programming applications.
EE 170 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (4). Fundamentals of probability; conditional probability and Bayes№ rules. Probability distributions. Random processes, spectral densities, and linear systems. Applications to noise and signal filtering.
EE 200 Basic Circuit Theory (4). Basic circuit elements. Kirchoff№s Laws, DC and AC steady state analysis. Superposition, Thevenin№s and Norton№s T Transient analysisheorems.
EE 210 Structure and Organization of Computers (4). Registers, memory, control, and input/output. Data and instruction formats, assembly language programming. System software.
EE 220 Semiconductor Devices (4) Physical operation of PN-junction diodes, MOSFETs, and bipolar transistors. Basic transistor circuit configurations. Simple multitransistor circuits.
EE 230 Digital Logic Design (4). Gates, flip-flops, registers, and counters. Karnaugh mapping. Switching algebra. Binary arithmetic units.
EE 250 Introduction to Signals and Systems (4). Linear systems, state space equations, time and frequency domain analysis. Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms. Applications.
EE 280 Electromagnetic Field Theory (4). Introduction to electromagnetic fields. Coulomb№s Law, Gauss№ Law, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere№s Law, Maxwell№s Equations.
EE 310 Analog Communication Systems (4). Signal transmission through linear systems. Analog communications, amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation. Baseband and bandpass data transmission. Bit error probability, signal-to-noise ratio.
EE 320 Electromechanical Systems (4). Magnetic circuits, transformers, magnetic actuators, voice coil motors, step motors, and brushless DC motors.
EE 330 Digital Logic and Electronics (4). PN junction diodes, bipolar and MOSFET transistors. Inverters, nand, nor, and, or gates. CMOS and TTL logic.
EE 340 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation (4). The electromagnetic spectrum. Relationships between circuit theory and fields. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Transmission line theory, waveguides, radiation, and antennas.
EE 350 Physical Electronics (4). Atomic physics, introductory quantum mechanics, charge transport in semiconductors. The junction diode, the Schottky diode.
EE 400 Microwave Circuits (4). Design and testing of circuits using microwave components. Microwave filters.
EE 410 Microelectronics Design (4). Design of circuits using transistors and integrated circuits. Use of power supplies and amplifiers.
EE420 Digital Signal Processing (4). Sampling Theorem and applications. Design of recursive and non-recursive digital filters. Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform. AD/DA conversion.
EE430 Communication Networks (4). Computer networks and satellite systems. OSI layering. Application of queueing theory. Review of architectures and protocols.
EE 450 Neural Networks (4). Generation and processing of bioelectric signals. The neuron and its functions. CNS processing of sensory information and motor control.
EE 470 Microprocessors (4). Architectures and instruction sets. Bus structures, memory, I/O processing. Assembly language programming, real-time system design. Interrupt-driven system
EE 490 Digital Computer Design (4). Fundamentals of computer design. Cost and performance models. Instruction sets, memory system design, storage.
EE 500 Discrete Mathematics (4). Elements of discrete mathematics relevant to computer design. Introduction to algorithm design and analysis. Applications to error correcting code.
EE 510 Data Structures and Algorithms (4). Sorting. Stacks, queues, and linked lists. Binary search trees. Greedy, graph, and arithmetical algorithms. String matching.
EE 530 Operating Systems (4). Theory, design, implementation, and analysis. Process management and scheduling, memory management, I/O system, device drivers. Multiprocessor and distributed system issues.
EE 540 Control Systems (4). Mathematical models for control system components. Introductory stability theory. Root locus, bode diagrams, and Nyquist plots. Servomechanisms.
EE 550 Digital Control Systems (4). Analysis and design of linear control systems. Linearization, linear controllers, optimal control. Digital implementation of control designs.
EE 570 Electric Machines and Actuators (4). Linear and non-linear magnetic circuits, hysteresis and eddy current losses, transformers, induction motors, and synchronous generators.
EE 580 Power Systems (4). Transmission lines, load flow. Three phase networks, machine models. Generator modeling, power system stability, unbalanced system operation.
EE 590 Power Electronics (4). Principles of power electronics. Power semiconductor devices. Generic power electronic converters. Applications.
EE 600 Power System Stability (4). Power system modeling. Lyapunov stability analysis. Energy functions. Potential energy boundary surface method. Emergency control.
EE 620 Solid State Electronics (4). Crystal structure and materials preparation. Quantum mechanics applied to solids. Band structure. FETs, PN junctions, bipolar transistors.
EE 630 Antennas (4). Concepts of radiation. Antenna theorems, antenna arrays. Terminal impedance, propagation.
EE 640 Design of Charged Particle Devices (4). Electron emission processes. Plasma properties, charged particle dynamics. Electron and ion beam lithography.
EE 650 Acoustics and Loudspeaker Design (4). The acousto-mechanical system; behavior at high and low frequencies. Acoustical waves. Crossover networks. Speaker system evaluation.
EE 660 Magnetic Information Storage Technology (4). Principles of magnetostatics; recording media. Magnetic reading and writing processes. Dat encoding.
EE 680 VLSI Design (4). CMOS IC design and fabrication. Design and function of layers. Digital and analog CMOS circuits. Mixed-signal circuits.
EE 690 Lasers and Optics (4). Modern physical optics. Optical resonators and waveguides. Theory of laser oscillation. Common laser systems.